Anti-crisis measures of the Wastepaper Processors Association
1. Creation of an engineering staff with several working groups with the participation of technologists and key employees of enterprises to develop a plan of priority actions to maintain the stable operation of enterprises and exchange best practices in the following areas:
cardboard production
production of base paper and tissue
production of corrugated cardboard and corrugated packaging
waste paper processing
2. Creation of a common cross-industry anti-crisis headquarters with the participation of representatives of:
waste paper processors
procurement sector
banking sector
manufacturers of raw materials and equipment
commodity producers
3. Organization of activities to establish logistics and information links with China:
business missions of the Russian side to find alternatives in China
business missions of the Chinese side for meetings with anti-crisis headquarters, at industry enterprises
holding meetings and seminars online
interaction with associations and business associations of China, the Trade Representation of Russia in China, authorities
4. Development of a plan for the management and consolidation of the industry for 2022 in the following areas:
ensuring manageability and stabilization of the industry
ensuring the smooth operation of all enterprises in the industry
ensuring the operation of supply chains
job retention
guaranteeing the financial stability of enterprises
Offers for the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, federal authorities
Waste paper export restriction
Maintaining the rate on existing investment loans, credit holidays for industry enterprises
Cancellation of tax audits until the end of the year
Cancellation of control (supervisory) measures of Rosprirodnadzor until the end of the year
Establishment of the rate of import customs duty on waste paper at the level of 0%
Tasks for industry enterprises
Provision by all enterprises of the industry regularly of data for the price index "Center for System Solutions": conclude an agreement on the condition of data within a month, allocate a responsible person, ensure data transfer
Send candidates from enterprises to join the engineering staff
Providing information on a possible change in technological maps, taking into account the replacement of raw materials
Formation and distribution of a complete list of critical components and other products for each stage of production, the supply of which needs to be redirected to analogs from other markets, primarily China