30 December 2024
As the result of reporting campaign in 2019, Arkhangelsk Pulp & Paper Mill got the highest rating “A” among Russian companies. At the same time, the plant is in the list of 18 CDP of the world's leading pulp and paper companies with climate rating “A”. In the reporting year, Arkhangelsk Pulp & Paper Mill won in nomination “the most effective strategy of Environment protection” of the international PAP-FOR Awards, which was held for the first time as part of the PAP-FOR online Forum. The Award is given to pulp & paper mills, manufacturers, equipment & service suppliers for their successful contribution to the development of pulp and paper mills in Russia and the CIS.
Implementation of the Project/Activity
We managed to reduce GHG emissions with the help of the following actions:
- Commissioning of a new high-pressure multi-fuel boiler, which uses biomass waste as fuel.
- Commissioning of five Flottweg decanters for dewatering a mixture of sewage sludge and excess activated sludge.
- Commissioning of a new semi-cellulose production plant with the introduction of modern technologies and the installation of highly efficient gas cleaning equipment. These actions led to a reduction in the consumption of forest resources, a reduction in the energy intensity of products, a reduction in water consumption, as well as reduction in emissions and discharges of pollutants.
- The reconstruction of cardboard-making machines has led to an increase in the use of semi-cellulose fiber, a decrease in the specific consumption of steam and electricity, and a decrease in water consumption.
- The construction of a new evaporation station for the production of cardboard provided the introduction of modern energy-efficient technologies for the evaporation of lye, systems for collecting and neutralizing sulfur-containing steam and gas emissions, and cleaning dirty condensates.
- The construction of a new wood preparation shop using dry debarking technology has significantly reduced water consumption in the preparation of wood raw materials and reduced the discharge of pollutants.
- The reconstruction of the washing plant in the pulp production allowed to reduce water consumption/ wastewater disposal, reduce the consumption of chemicals.
- A number of measures have been taken to reduce the discharge of pollutants into the water at biological and mechanical wastewater treatment facilities.
According to 2019 data, the sum of direct and energy indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1+2) Arkhangelsk Pulp & Paper Mill (including all subsidiaries and their branches) = 1 845 785 т СО2- The amount of emissions: • 1,257,636 tons of CO2-eq., or 40.5% less than in the 1990 baseline; • Is at the level of greenhouse gas emissions in 2015 (1,819,368 tons of CO2-eq.); • 16,1% less than the organization's voluntary limit on greenhouse gas emissions for the period up to 2020 of 2,200,000 tons of CO2-eq. per year.
Enabling factors and constraints
Favorable conditions can be mentioned for the transition of the Russian Federation to the best affordable technology, international standards, and rules of control and verification of greenhouse gas emissions. Actions, aimed at reducing the energy intensity of production, efficiency of using all types of fuel when generating energy from its own energy sources, and replacing fossil fuels with less carbon-intensive fuel, are implemented on the plant. These initiatives were performed in accordance with Russian law.
Sustainability and replicability
The company has created and operates an integrated management system, which includes:
- Quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015;
- Environmental management systems in accordance with ISO 14001: 2015;
- Safety workplace and health management systems ISO 45001: 2018. The experience of the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill can be used as “the best practice” to support the implementation of the Performance Management Center
Other sources of information
https://www.appm.ru/ https://www.papfor.com/ru-ru/about/papfor-awards.html https://www.cdp.net/en/responses?utf8=%E2%9C%93&queries%5Bname%5D=&filters%5.... https://bumazhnik.ru/
COVID-19 Impact
Not affected
As the result of reporting campaign in 2019, Arkhangelsk Pulp & Paper Mill got the highest rating “A” among Russian companies. At the same time, the plant is in the list of 18 CDP of the world's leading pulp and paper companies with climate rating “A”. In the reporting year, Arkhangelsk Pulp & Paper Mill won in nomination “the most effective strategy of Environment protection” of the international PAP-FOR Awards, which was held for the first time as part of the PAP-FOR online Forum. The Award is given to pulp & paper mills, manufacturers, equipment & service suppliers for their successful contribution to the development of pulp and paper mills in Russia and the CIS.
Implementation of the Project/Activity
We managed to reduce GHG emissions with the help of the following actions:
- Commissioning of a new high-pressure multi-fuel boiler, which uses biomass waste as fuel.
- Commissioning of five Flottweg decanters for dewatering a mixture of sewage sludge and excess activated sludge.
- Commissioning of a new semi-cellulose production plant with the introduction of modern technologies and the installation of highly efficient gas cleaning equipment. These actions led to a reduction in the consumption of forest resources, a reduction in the energy intensity of products, a reduction in water consumption, as well as reduction in emissions and discharges of pollutants.
- The reconstruction of cardboard-making machines has led to an increase in the use of semi-cellulose fiber, a decrease in the specific consumption of steam and electricity, and a decrease in water consumption.
- The construction of a new evaporation station for the production of cardboard provided the introduction of modern energy-efficient technologies for the evaporation of lye, systems for collecting and neutralizing sulfur-containing steam and gas emissions, and cleaning dirty condensates.
- The construction of a new wood preparation shop using dry debarking technology has significantly reduced water consumption in the preparation of wood raw materials and reduced the discharge of pollutants.
- The reconstruction of the washing plant in the pulp production allowed to reduce water consumption/ wastewater disposal, reduce the consumption of chemicals.
- A number of measures have been taken to reduce the discharge of pollutants into the water at biological and mechanical wastewater treatment facilities.
According to 2019 data, the sum of direct and energy indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1+2) Arkhangelsk Pulp & Paper Mill (including all subsidiaries and their branches) = 1 845 785 т СО2- The amount of emissions: • 1,257,636 tons of CO2-eq., or 40.5% less than in the 1990 baseline; • Is at the level of greenhouse gas emissions in 2015 (1,819,368 tons of CO2-eq.); • 16,1% less than the organization's voluntary limit on greenhouse gas emissions for the period up to 2020 of 2,200,000 tons of CO2-eq. per year.
Enabling factors and constraints
Favorable conditions can be mentioned for the transition of the Russian Federation to the best affordable technology, international standards, and rules of control and verification of greenhouse gas emissions. Actions, aimed at reducing the energy intensity of production, efficiency of using all types of fuel when generating energy from its own energy sources, and replacing fossil fuels with less carbon-intensive fuel, are implemented on the plant. These initiatives were performed in accordance with Russian law.
Sustainability and replicability
The company has created and operates an integrated management system, which includes:
- Quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015;
- Environmental management systems in accordance with ISO 14001: 2015;
- Safety workplace and health management systems ISO 45001: 2018. The experience of the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill can be used as “the best practice” to support the implementation of the Performance Management Center
Other sources of information
https://www.appm.ru/ https://www.papfor.com/ru-ru/about/papfor-awards.html https://www.cdp.net/en/responses?utf8=%E2%9C%93&queries%5Bname%5D=&filters%5.... https://bumazhnik.ru/
COVID-19 Impact
Not affected
A source:
United Nations